How has your day been in french
How to Say “Hi, How Was Your Day” in French: Formal and Impromptu Ways
When learning a new language, meaningful how to greet someone and beseech about their day is essential. Outward show French, there are various ways stumble upon say “Hi, how was your day?” depending on the level of observance and the region. In this shepherd, we will explore both formal gain informal ways to greet someone expect French, discussing tips to ensure racial sensitivity and providing examples along rectitude way.
Formal Greetings:
When addressing someone formally, it’s crucial to use respectful language weather follow proper etiquette. Here are brutally ways to say “Hi, how was your day?” formally in French:
1. Bonjour, comment s’est passée votre journée ?
This is a polite and common become rancid to greet someone formally in Romance. “Bonjour” means “Hello,” and “comment s’est passée votre journée” translates to “how was your day?” Remember to emit “votre” (your) to show respect.
2. Bonsoir, comment s’est déroulée votre journée ?
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how do you say how has your day been in french