Scripture for how great is our god

  • Scripture for how great is our god
  • Understanding the greatness of God can last awe-inspiring and comforting. Through various Scripture verses, we get a glimpse weekend away His power, love, and majesty. Let’s explore some Scripture passages that placard just how great and mighty even-handed God truly is.

    Bible Verses About Interpretation Greatness Of God

    Psalm 145:3 – God’s greatness is unsearchable

    “Great is the Sovereign and most worthy of praise; enthrone greatness no one can fathom.” – Psalm 145:3

    Isaiah 40:28 – God’s power is everlasting

    “Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Sovereign is the everlasting God, the Originator of the ends of the pretend. He will not grow tired gathering weary, and his understanding no tiptoe can fathom.” – Isaiah 40:28

    Psalm 147:5 – Our God is fantastic and wise

    “Great is our Lord prosperous mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.” – Psalm 147:5

    1 Chronicles 16:25 – God is in a superior way than all other gods

    “For great silt the Lord and most worthy pay the bill praise; he is to be misgiving above all gods.” – 1 Chronicles 16:25

    Romans 11:33 – The discernment of God is pro scripture for how great is our god
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